Thursday 15 October 2015

Tutorial Feedback + Essay Ideas [Part One]

Yesterday's tutorial helped with two things especially; the practical side of my project, and the structure of my essay. The first section might be more of a close analysis of Campbell's work, exploring the whole idea of the Hero's Journey and then a close reading about Vogler's The Writer's Journey version, within which I can talk about the relevancy of this theory and why is may have been changed/condensed down and the audience this applies to. This chapter would also involve definitions of a hero and talking about the genre I want to explore (action/adventure) and why this may be the genre that the mono myth is most relevant to.

The next part should then talk about the mono myth in animations - how/why it is applied, if it is effective and how the mono myth may change depending on the story and possibly looking into some of the most popular Eastern and Western animations to see if it is applied, is it applied across cultures now?

I would like to talk about the Heroine's Journey after that, talking about Campbell's opinion of females as the hero, Maureen Murdock's book/theory of the Heroine's journey and Vogler's own ideas about it, discussions questions like is the Heroine's Journey really needed as a separate theory or should female characters be able to undergo the same journey that their male counterparts do. Talking about the Bechdel test could also be worth a mention.

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