Thursday 15 October 2015

Tutorial Feedback + Essay Ideas [Part Two]

After this would be talking about Examples of animations with female protagonists and exploring their journey - do they fit into the Heroine's Journey or the Hero's journey more - or both? Why might they have chosen one or the other? Another look at Western and Eastern animations could be interesting to look at despite the differences in culture and ideas about gender.

The fifth will then talk about the idea of the Seven Basic Plots - a theory by Christopher Booker that links in heavily with the Hero's Journey. If there are any other theorist with opinions on this it could be worth talking about.

In the example to use for that part, maybe taking a look at the case studies I have already analysed and seeing if they then fit in with the seven basic plots as well may be quite effective, especially with Booker's idea that EVERY story, no matter the genre, fits within one or more of these constructs.

A look at Archetypes and examples could be worth doing for another part; how/why these are used, their popularity in modern media and how they work alongside the theories. I would like to talk about design within this, and how that helps reinforce certain elements and ideas for each of these archetypes, which I can then link to my practical.

When talking about Synthesis, I think talking about my practical could be effective, particularly when related back to the Archetypes chapter and the design elements I have taking into account. Hopefully with my finished pieces I can relate it even more the the chapter talking about plots/journey to show how that has informed my ideas.

For my practical, I wanted to create a minimum of four characters based off of archetypes. I think my aim now will be to explore all of the archetypes through my character designs and end up with a selection of the most designs after that with fitting backgrounds and poses for an action/adventure setting to show how these designs would actually work in context and if they were actually within a story following the Hero's Journey/Seven plots etc. I think that having context will definitely help to make my characters feel like they have an actual role and purpose, making them feel more like characters than just designs.

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