Wednesday 19 February 2014

Chronologies 5: Advertising

Lynx Advertising

Advertising could do so much to help the world - and tries, at times, with awareness campaigns, but still does more damage than good as it continues to promote unhealthy stereotypes and skewed worldviews.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Chronologies 3: Print

Chronologies 2: Illustration

Illustration - vivid respesentation etc

Difference between communication + decoration

"Strategic image making, used within the context of visual communication to convey meaning or concept"

17300 year old; Lascaux cave painting
Earliest vis comm - cave painting
comms. w/ specific tone of voice
----> strategic aesthetic

Authenticity, craft, consistency, individuality = success
Marc Boutavant - "Mouk"

functual visual symbols + individual visual aesthetic work together to make an explicit message whilst being able to to convey more subtle sensibilities etc

illustration - more contexts than ever! Contemporary illustration has the potential to overlap with many other communities of creative practice (textiles, model making etc)

How do we define GOOD illustration?

Good visual style, good concept, good application of technical skills? Has a big emotional impact?

- Examples of good visual styles that I enjoy.

Chris Ware, Building Stories

Rob Hunter - Young Colossus
Luke Pearson - Memory Place

Vania Zouravliov - Babba Yaga

One example of Illustration that reached me emotional is the cover of the Batman comic immediately after Bruce Wayne's 10 year old child, and the then current Robin died. The image has the boots held in a spotlight, worm and messy the way a child would leave them straight after wearing them. You never see those boots empty in any of the comics, and the fact that they are obviously a child's makes the image more sad already, and with the Robin on top to relate it directly to the departed it is just completely heart wrenching to anyone who understands the context of this image.